Jen Carman-Chart
Sports Massage

Meet Jen, a dynamic blend of English and Australian flair! With over a decade of experience in the health industry, Jen brings a unique perspective to her practice. For 11 years, she's been sculpting bodies as a Personal Trainer, and for the last 7 years, she's refining her skills as an elite massage therapist

Jen's journey has taken her from bustling clinics to the adrenaline-fueled world of top-tier Australian sports teams. Specialising in the art of rehab, prehab, and sports massage, she's a go-to for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, helping them stay at the top of their game.

When she's not fine-tuning bodies, Jen can be found hitting the pavement with her love for running. Her preference? Long, leisurely runs that let her soak in the scenery and enjoy the journey. Because for Jen, it's not just about the destination—it's about the exhilarating experience along the way!