Improve your running performance and economy, whilst reducing the risk of injury with the The Running Rooms comprehensive and elite level of running analysis.
Treating the runner requires accurate assessment of the runner. The Running Room utilises the best available technology to do so.
Running and movement analysis has the ability to improve performance, prevent injury and ensure optimal rehabilitation and recovery. High speed video motion capture, pressure plate analysis and Electromyography enable us to accurately explore the demands that running and multi directional movement places upon the runner.
This allows us to develop efficient, powerful and resilient runners with interventions that are backed by sports science.
Improve your performance and stay injury free.
Who is this for?
Individuals who love to run and are running with niggles or pain.
Individuals who are looking for that extra edge and want to increase performance and running economy
Individuals who are just getting into running and want a safe a smooth transition into the sport
Individuals who play sport that involves running or those who will run as part of their training routine
Young kids and teenagers who are developing and completing running or sports involving running
People who are after a service that has typically been reserved to the elite setting
People who love data and want to know exactly what they need to do to improve or why they are in pain
If any of the above applies to you then you would benefit from running physio
What does it do?
Running is a repetitive sport involving multiple loading cycles. The development of our unique running analysis allows us to get a clear insight into how you run and takes the guess work out what is occurring. The use of our instrumented treadmill and motion capture system allows us to accurately assess the load you are exposing your body to whilst you run as well as the precise joint angles when you move through the running cycle. This allows us to get to the root cause of your issues and develop an individualised program to ensure you are running pain free and at your best.
What if you are not injured?
Even better. We assess our injured and uninjured runners the same way. The difference being that in the uninjured runner we are looking for potential areas of improvement that lead to a boost in performance and an increase in running economy. We will never change a runners pattern or style completely especially if they are uninjured, however, some small changes can have a profound effect on performance.
How long does it take to change someones running?
In some cases changes can be made and felt immediately and implemented after your first session. Some things will take longer to integrate as we are changing a movement pattern as well as providing specific strengthening of areas that need improvement. These changes take a little longer to take effect and are implemented over a 6-12 week time frame. The good news is that our concept is all about managing the runner or athlete throughout the whole journey and we incorporate strength training into our sessions to ensure that you are performing our running fundamental exercises with the correct form and patterning. We see that this leads to better outcomes as this new movement pattern is being performed with our expert guidance and encouragement. We also have unique pieces training equipment that serve to fast track your results through increased and improved loading.
How will you know if you are improving?
This is what makes us unique. As we have access to an instrumented treadmill this allows us to track your changes over time. This is an exceptional tool as it makes us accountable to your improvements. The proof is in the numbers and we use this to ensure we are on the right track to making you the best runner you can be. We re-assess you along the journey as well as using our equipment to provide real-time biofeedback to help develop more optimal movement patterns and loading strategies. Often people see a clear improvement in their running times, hitting new PB’s and report a new found ease of running and reduction in pain.
- Accurate Assessment -
- Actionable Intervention -
- Optimal Outcomes -