Strength For Runners
Elevate Your Running Game: The Power of Physiotherapy and Strength Training
At The Running Room, we understand that every runner's journey is marked by the pursuit of personal records and the joy of the run itself. Yet, we also recognise the challenges that come with the sport—common injuries like runner's knee, ITB pain, achilles tendinopathy, heel pain, and shin splints that can hinder progress. Our mission is to empower runners in Sydney, London, and globally with cutting-edge strength training and physiotherapy tailored to the unique needs of runners.
Alex and Beau, Running Physiotherapists sit down and discuss all things strength training for runners. Check out the chat below.
The Reality of Running Injuries
Statistics paint a stark picture: a review by Van Gent et al. (2007) suggests that the incidence of running-related injuries (RRI) can be as high as 73.9%. This is a figure that resonates with the experiences of many runners, affirming that injuries are not a matter of 'if' but 'when'. However, the silver lining lies in the myriad of strategies available to mitigate these risks.
Strength Training: A Runner's Ally
Contrary to the runner's instinct to prioritise pavement over the gym, strength training emerges as a critical component of a runner's regimen. Blagrove et al. (2018) provide compelling evidence, indicating that strength training can improve running economy by 2-8% and time trial performance by 2-5%. But what exactly is running economy? It's the measure of how efficiently a runner uses oxygen, and improving it means you can run faster and longer.
Injury Reduction: The Evidence
The benefits of strength training extend beyond performance, with a study by Lauerson (2013) demonstrating a potential reduction in overuse injuries by up to 50%. This is attributed to the enhanced ability of bones, muscles, and ligaments to withstand the demands of running.
Crafting the Ideal Strength Training Routine
Dispelling the myth that runners should stick to low weights and high repetitions, current literature advocates for a shift towards higher loads and fewer reps. This approach not only aligns with scientific evidence but also allows for a more sustainable training schedule, requiring just 2-3 sessions per week.
The Running Room's Approach
The Running Room's Fundamentals program encapsulates this philosophy, integrating heavy compound movements like deadlifts and squats with single-leg exercises and calf strengthening—the latter being crucial yet often overlooked. This program is a testament to our commitment to keeping runners at their peak. We create individualised programs as well as offer general programs for runners looking for guidance with their running strength programs.
Final Thoughts and Invitation
The Running Room is more than a clinic; it's a hub for runners seeking to enhance their performance and reduce injuries. With locations throughout Sydney and in London, we're equipped to support runners both in-person and online. If you're struggling with a running-related injury or aiming for a new personal best this year, reach out to us.
With our expert guidance, running physiotherapy and comprehensive strength training programs for runners, you're not just running - you’re improving and evolving. Join us, and let's redefine the limits of what you can achieve.
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